Our Projects

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1 Building Resilience of Agro-ecosystem and Community Empowerment (BRACE)
2 Knowledge-based Integrated Sustainable Agriculture in Nepal (KISAN II) Project
3 Skill Up! Strengthening Skills Development, Creating Future Perspectives
4 Technical Cooperation Facility to the Agriculture Development Strategy (TCF-ADS)
5 Nepal Agricultural Markets Development Programme (NAMDP) -Phase 1
6 Knowledge-based Integrated Sustainable Agriculture and Nutrition Project (KISAN)
7 The Asian Vegetable and Mango Integrated Pest Management (AVMIPM)-Innovation Lab Nepal
8 Local Livelihoods Program (LLP)
9 Pro-poor Livelihood Promotion through commercial High Value Agriculturre in Mid-Western Region of Nepal (PPLP)
10 Participatory Action Research on Stress Tolerant Non-paddy Crops
11 Asia Innovative Farmer’s Action (AIFA)
12 Integration of Sustainable Soil Management Practices for Increasing Production of High Value Cash Crops
13 Promotion of Vegetable Seed for Poverty Reduction in Remote Areas of Nepal (PVSPR)
14 Education for Income Generation in Nepal Project
15 Agriculture Nutrition Extension Project (ANEP)
16 Cultivating Peace: Educating Farmers on the Comprehensive Peace Agreement
17 Sustainable Soil Management Program (SSMP)
18 Linking Home Garden in Inclusive Development Programme for Contribution in Securing Livelihoods of Resource Poor and DAGs in Nepal: Home Garden Project, Phase III
19 Vegetable Seed Program (VSP)-Phase III
20 Training the Neaplese Farming Communities on Constitutional Assembly
21 Linking Home Garden in Inclusive Development Programme for Contribution in Securing Livelihoods of Resource Poor and DAGs in Nepal: Home Garden Project, Phase I & II
22 Integrated Pest Management- Innovation Lab (IPM-IL)
23 Jeevika Karyakram
24 Nepal Smallholder Market Initiative Project (SIMI)
25 Nepal Economic, Agriculture, and Trade (NEAT)
27 Study on Supporting Services for Effectiveness of Irrigation
28 Market Access for Rural Development Program
29 Participatory Vegetable Seed Production Program